Our consultants have extensive knowledge of all areas of tax law. Each at the same times a specialist in one or more areas of tax law. In addition to the taxation of partner-ships, non-profit law, corporate succession, sales tax and customs law, all areas of tax law and criminal tax law are covered at the highest professional level. The most im-portant characteristic of our con-sultants is the passion for what they do.
Economic issues are increasingly in-ternational in nature. Tax issues do not stop at the border. For this rea-son, we cooperate with several part-ners abroad, so that we can provide sound tax and civil law advice not only from a domestic perspective but also from a foreign perspective. We grow with the challenges but remain specialists with a personal consulting profile.
We cooperate under the strictest cli-ent protection with c·k·s·s Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH and auditing companies, which take over the preparation of annual financial state-ments, audits of annual financial statements, valuations and tax return work as well as related services cus-tomary in the profession.
c·k·s·s Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH has been in existence since 1968 and is responsibly managed by part-ners of our partnership. Eight em-ployees work for them, including three tax consultants: Dr. Martin Strahl, tax consultant (managing director); Dipl.-Kffr. Elke Wennmacher, tax consult-ant (managing director); Klaus Korn, tax consultant
Publishing cooperation exists with the journal “Kölner Steuerdialog” (kösdi) www.koesdi.de, published by the Arbeitskreis für Steuerrecht GmbH (Working Group for Tax Law, in which the lawyers and tax consultants of the partnership c·k·s·s Carlé · Korn · Stahl · Strahl publish regularly).
Our cross-border consulting services and our cooperation with the interna-tional consulting network IPG are de-scribed in more detail under “International“.